The engineers and animators Japan reportedly working on a major project called
Gundam Global Challenge (GGC). The main goal of the project is a fantasy turn the robot Gundam. Wow! Is It True?
Gundam born in 1979 successfully rule the world of anime. There are more than 30 TV series and movies, live-action series, and comics have been produced based on these characters. In addition, there are several products and Gundam model kits are created for the fans.
Gundam creator himself asking fans to help them Gundam robot can be realized in the form of true. Fans around the world have been asked to submit their ideas, and that the best ideas will be applied to the giant Gundam robot The anniversary of Gundam's 40th year, GGC ask each person to choose one of two categories: Real Entertainment segments make the robot move significantly, whereas Visual Entertainment segment makes the robot move virtually.Previously, Gundam statue was built in 2009 to commemorate the 30th birth. The statue weighs about 35 tons is made up of two parts: a frame made of steel and plastic fibers as outer costume.A study by
the Japan Science and Technology Agency in 2008, has stated that the development of this Gundam robot will cost nearly 724 million dollars, including labor. However, the cost estimate has now increased to 1 billion dollars in the following example